Webinars and Tools
The role of PHAs in youth success (November 12, 2020)
NCHCW partnered with the Public Housing Authority Directors Association (PHADA), ACTION Ohio and the Juvenile Law Center to conduct the At Home with FYI: The Role of Public Housing Authorities in Youth Success webinar on November 12.
Attendees heard directly from the formidable FYI Team in Lorain, OH including FYI Ambassador Isabella Bradford, Independent Living Supervisor Cathleen Fairbanks, and Debbie Carter of the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority. We were honored to have HUD DAS Danielle Bastarache remind us of the heroic advocacy of the foster youth, like foster care alumna, Cloé Cooper, who designed FYI for their brothers and sisters in care and emphasized HUD’s commitment to the future of the program. HUD’s PIH Team, Ryan Jones and Michelle Daniels gave a thorough and clear overview of the technical aspects of applying for and administering vouchers.
We are so grateful to Seth Embry of PHADA and Jenny Pokempner of the JLC for their partnership and commitment to assuring that all young adults have what they need to move towards independence and find success in apartments of their own.
The webinar provided housing professionals with the tools and information necessary to add the Foster Youth to Independence “FYI” Initiative to the range of services intended to ease the transition to adulthood for America’s older foster youth.
Tools from the webinar are linked below:
o Link to HUD’s FYI Page (link)
o A copy of the PowerPoint presentation (link)
o A recording of the webinar (link)
o HUD’s October 6, 2020, FYI Notice (link)
o NCHCW FYI Frequently Asked Questions (link)
o Template for a letter of intent (which can serve as a referral as well) (link)
o Referral Form courtesy of Illinois DCF (link)
o Client Log (Excel document) courtesy of Illinois DCF (link)
o HUD’s HCV Special Purpose Voucher Dashboard (link)
o HUD’s PHA Estimated Service Area Mapping tool (link)
FYI PHA sample email to HUD requesting vouchers (link)