Our Mission

We aim to prevent children from entering foster care or lingering in out-of-home placement unnecessarily due to their parent’s inability to afford safe, decent housing. We also work to ensure that all young people who age out of foster care have access to safe, decent, affordable housing.


NCHCW works at the local, regional, and national levels to create cross-agency partnerships to enable communities to respond appropriately to families and youth caught at the intersection of housing and child welfare. NCHCW creates the conditions necessary for these partnerships to thrive on three key levels:

  1. Policy: successfully making a case for millions of dollars in housing subsidies dedicated to child welfare families and youth and informing regulatory/policy decisions at HHS, HUD, OMB, and the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness;

  2. System: developing relationships between housing and child welfare agencies through the NCHCW loaned executive network;

  3. Practice: cross-training front-line workers using the Keeping Families Together and Safe curriculum to work together to prevent and end homelessness and prevent child maltreatment). 


Independent living without housing is like driver’s education without a car.
— Mark Kroner, Author of Housing Options for Independent Living