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San Francisco Chronicle Highlights Race and Homelessness
Across the nation and especially in our major cities, racism and homelessness are deeply intertwined. Historical and ongoing discrimination in housing, jobs, health care and criminal justice have resulted in high rates of homelessness among people of color. When economic vulnerability — not just for individuals, but for entire families — combines with escalating housing costs, homelessness becomes inevitable for tens of thousands of people of color each year. Read the article here.
Housing Matters (and it's cheaper)
Each year NCHCW complete a cost benefit analysis comparing supportive housing to the cost of foster care placements for the children of homeless and precariously housed families. Aside from the moral toll levied upon all of us for separating homeless children from their parents due to poverty, it is poor use of public dollars. In our most recent cost study, we show that housing comes in at half the cost of out-of-home care. HUD’s Family Options Study also shows that the therapeutic and educational outcomes for families provided with permanent housing are also impressive.